Ciceros pizza

Photo by Ivan Torres on Unsplash

Ciceros pizza

The recipe for Cicero’s Pizza originated in Niagara Falls, New York.

In 1968, Nunzio Cicero purchased the business that was to become Cicero’s Pizza. Many times Nunzio said that moving to Cupertino from Niagara Falls was “the best move I ever made.” In 1974, Nunzio’s son-in-law Bob LaVerdi joined Cicero’s Pizza. Beginning in 1978, Nunzio’s wife’s grandson, Rik Jones, worked at Cicero’s Pizza while attending college.

Cicero’s Pizza grew up in the Santa Clara Valley as it transitioned from an agricultural area to Silicon Valley. Cicero’s original location is at the corner of Stevens Creek and DeAnza Boulevard, (Old Highway 9), next to the Cali Brothers Feed Mill was at the center of Old Cupertino. Many families made a weekly ritual of coming to Cicero’s. When the area was redeveloped, Cicero’s Pizza moved down Stevens Creek to the corner of Blaney Avenue. The business grew as word continued to spread of the great pizza being served at Cicero’s.

In June 2001, at the age of 87, Nunzio retired and closed his pizzeria. He passed away soon after on July 27th. In June 2002, Rik Jones and Bob Verdi, along with Nunzio’s grandchildren, re-opened Cicero’s Pizza at a new location in West San Jose, just across the Cupertino border.

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